The Message
Presented by Peace Lutheran Church in the hope that it will bring the Good News of PEACE and JOY of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST to the young and old of our hurting and troubled world.
The Message
We began a 2 year journey reading through God’s word in our series Ancient Words for Today’s World. We also offer an audio version of the Message found here.
If you want to follow our journey, there is a monthly Bible Study where we can discuss the readings, and there are booklets with the reading schedule available for pickup at the office or contact the office at 204-668-1132.
Sunday Service
Missed a service? Watch the full service here.
Cutting a Covenant
Genesis 15:1-21 God promised to give Abram a land for his people. God promised Abram that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. And as […]
Babel On
Genesis 11:1-9 The world had one language and began to build a tower to the heavens to make a name for themselves. God came down to earth and intervened, ultimately […]
Need An Ark? I Noah Guy…
Genesis 6:22, 7:11-16, 9:8-17 Noah and his family were saved by building the ark. They gathered all the animals God had told them together. They gathered all the food they […]
Cain or Abel?
Genesis 4:1-16, 25 – 5:5 Do you see yourself more as Cain, or more as Abel? Abel the one who pleases God with his offering? Or Cain, the one who […]