Our Beliefs

… there is only one God
who created everything, controls everything, cares for everything
who shows us He exists through nature and conscience
who tells us about Himself in the Bible
who has revealed Himself as three distinct persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
who is the only True God among the gods of all religions
… there is only one reliable source of information
the Bible is unique
the Bible tells us all we need to know about God
the Bible tells us human existence is no accident
the Bible tells us God wants to be with us now and forever
the Bible tells us that to live with God forever we need to be perfect, sinless
… there is only one true faith
life with God is only possible by His grace because no one is perfect
Jesus Christ is true God and true man,
who lived a perfect life for us
who suffered and died on the cross for us
who rose from the dead and provided the only way for us to have life with God forever
all who admit their sinfulness and believe in Jesus as their one and only Saviour are counted holy in God’s eyes and receive eternal life
therefore, we want to lead a God-pleasing life.

“God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life.”

— John 3:16 (ESV)

The basis of all Lutheran teachings is the Bible. Martin Luther and the other reformers wrote a series of documents answering accusations that their teaching was contrary to commonly held beliefs and practices of the 15th century church. These defenses and arguments, based upon the Bible were presented before a series of theological gatherings.
Eventually, they were compiled into The Book of Concord. These comprise the doctrine and confession of the Lutheran Church.

Our Mission

Peace Lutheran Church exists for the purpose of bringing the Good News of PEACE and JOY of the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST to the young and old of our hurting and troubled world.

“For He Himself is our Peace”

Ephesians 2:14

At Peace, our goals are:

  • To faithfully and regularly use the Word of God and the Sacraments for the strengthening of our ministry to the lost so that God can use us as ambassadors of His grace and love to bring all who would, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, into a right relationship with their Heavenly Father.
  • To help each member of the family of God live the “peace” that is theirs through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ their Lord and Saviour.
  • To express our heart-felt thanks for the gift of eternal peace through purposeful and joyful worship and work in and for the kingdom of God.

Contact us

Our Office Hours are Monday through Friday 9am-5pm.

To contact the office phone 204-668-1132 or email the office administrator at  office@peacelc.com.

To contact Pastor Glenn directly, email pastorg@peacelc.com

Questions? Ask us a question!

Want to make a Prayer request? Send us your Prayer request here!

Our Team

Pastor Glenn Worcester

Pastor Glenn Worcester is originally from Detroit, Michigan. He attended University at Concordia in Ann Arbor, Michigan. From there he went on to Seminary at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He did his Vicarage (pastoral internship) in Lethbridge, Alberta in 2006-2007. Upon graduation from Seminary in 2008, Pastor Glenn was called to a mission plant congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After serving the congregation for three years, Pastor Glenn became Vacancy Pastor at another congregation in Grand Rapids. In December 2011, Pastor Glenn received the call to Peace, and started his ministry here in March 2012. Pastor Glenn is married to Andrea, who is originally from Winnipeg, and was a member of Peace. They met while Pastor Glenn was on Vicarage and Andrea was working as a DPS at a church in Chilliwack, British Columbia. Pastor Glenn enjoys all kinds of sports and all the opportunities for ministry that Peace has to offer! He and Andrea have three children Micah, Ivy, & Jonah.

Shaunna Buchholz

Shaunna is our office administrator, if you have any questions or need anything from the Church she is the person to talk to. She also helps with our children ministry and northern ministry mission work.

Recent Messages

Upcoming Events

06 Feb 9:00 am

Men’s Breakfast

@ Lee’s on DeVries
09 Feb 9:30 am

J.A.M Toddler, J.A.M. & J12

Christian Education for children ages 1.5 – 14.
09 Feb 9:30 am
10 Feb 5:30 pm

Confirmation Classes

Junior (Grade 7 Students) & Senior (Grade 8 Students) will meet for Confirmation classes on a weekly bases.
11 Feb 7:30 pm

Parish Planning Council Meeting

Parish Planning Council Meeting
14 Feb 7:00 pm

Youth Night

Youth is for those who are in Grade 7 through Grade 12. As the world continues to draw God’s people away from the church, we want to draw them in, so […]