Intergenerational Bible Study

Grow your faith by participating in Sunday morning Bible Study led by Pastor Glenn.

For Kids: J.A.M (Jesus and Me) and Children’s Chat

Children can attend JAM every Sunday morning where they can learn about Jesus and His love for us. Every Sunday, Pastor Glenn leads the kids in Children’s Chat: an interactive discussion about faith and God.

Youth Group

We encourage youth to attend youth group where they can have fun, fellowship, and participate in Bible Study.

Youth Fundraiser Annual Glenlea Greenhouse Plant Sale. Plant pick-up day is May 11, 2024. Ordering for 2024 is now closed.

College and Careers

Young adults are invited to join College and Careers, a Bible Study and fellowship opportunity for individuals attending school or starting off in the world.

L.I.F.T (Ladies in Fellowship Together)

Looking for ladies to study the word with? Try L.I.F.T!

Men’s Group

Strengthen your knowledge on what it means to be a man of God by joining Men’s Group.

Seniors on the Go

Anyone 55+ and looking to grow their faith can join Seniors on the Go.


Meal Ministry

Here at Peace, we provide meals for our Church family as needed.

Emergency Food Pantry

Our members provide free non-perishable food items in our emergency food pantry for those in the community experiencing food insecurity. Available Monday-Friday.

Community Food Drive

Every year our members participate in a community food drive to help Main Street Project and stock our Food Pantry.

Little Free Library

Peace created the Little Free Library to ensure that our community has free access to Bibles and Christian books for all ages.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Every summer we have Vacation Bible School for all kids both in the Church and from the community.

Northern Ministries (LAMP)

Spread the news of God by serving Sachigo Lake, ON and Pelican Narrows SK on our Northern Ministries team.


Adults are encouraged to bring their Bibles Sunday mornings to the board room from 9:30 -10:30am (Sept. – May). Pastor Glenn leads the group in discussion about how to apply God’s Word to our lives. Whether you’ve attended Bible studies your whole life or you are new to following Jesus, this class will have something for you!  We also have various Bible studies during the week in private homes, and at the Church for all ages. Contact 204-668-1132 for more information.


We provide a fun, safe, and encouraging environment for families with young children. One of our main values at Peace is family and we place a very strong emphasis on walking alongside and partnering with parents to help their children have a relationship with Jesus and to build a strong spiritual and biblical foundation as they grow. JAM (ages 4 – grade 4) and J12 (grades 5-8) meet every Sunday at 9:30am.

Want to learn more? Contact 204-668-1132 for more information. 



Fellowship, fun and Bible study aimed at equipping our teens to handle the pressures of everyday life. Our active youth group meets every Friday at 7pm for fellowship events emphasizing service to the community and learning about Jesus in a safe and comfortable environment.  As the world continues to draw God’s people away from the church, we want to draw them in, so youth are invited to come and bring their self, and to bring a friend, for a night of fun, faith, and fellowship!

For more information, contact 204-668-1132.


Our College & Career  group is targeted for people who have graduated from high-school and are getting established in their studies, careers, or are taking some time to determine their next steps. This is a great group for people who are seeking a faith-based community with other young people. Want to learn how to join? Contact 204-668-1132 for more information.


L.I.F.T is multi-pronged combining Bible Study and fellowship to build and enjoy friendships. Bible Study has been guided by resources such as the Rob Bell Nooma video series and various book studies. Over the years our group has expanded to include ladies of any age and moms of children in various different stages of life (newborns, toddlers, preschool, school-age, and university). Our studies are set up so that anyone can join at any point in the year and still participate fully.

Children are welcome and can spend an hour socializing, playing or watching videos with other children.

L.I.F.T offers the opportunity to build friendships and socialize informally during the snack portions of our mornings. We also host two potlucks a year, one to celebrate Christmas together and as a wind up at McIvor Park in June.


Being a man in this modern world is hard, especially for the younger generations, because they face many unique challenges that were not around in years past. Therefore, we are looking to offer a Men’s Ministry Group where men can have fellowship, grow in their faith, encourage one another, and strengthen their knowledge on what it means to be a man of God.

For more information, contact 204-668-1132.


If you are 55+ (age 55 and older), you are invited to join Seniors on the Go. Our seniors group is a large group of adults who are looking to grow in their faith and build a community with other believers. Want to learn how to join? Phone the office for more information. We meet regularly on Thursdays at 1pm or 11:30am if we are having one of our wonderful Potluck Days.

For more information, contact 204-668-1132.


Here at Peace we provide meals for our Church family as needed. Want to request a meal? Let us know!


Our members provide non-perishable food items for those in the community experiencing food insecurity. Is there something missing in our food pantry?

Let us know!


For the past 7 years Peace Lutheran Church has organized a community food drive in the North Kildonan neighbourhood to collect non perishable food items for the Main Street Project Foods and Essentials Market and for our own Emergency Food Pantry.


Our Little Free Library was created to allow the community free access to Bibles and Christian books for children, teens, and adults. We encourage community members to return borrowed books and share their own Christian books!



The mission of the Church is the Great Commission:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”

Matthew 28:19-20

Notice the words “all nations” & “go”. And so we go. It is part of every Christian’s mission to support local and foreign missions and everything in between. Part of our mission here at Peace is to spread the news of God’s love to all his children. We’ve served the community of Sachigo Lake, ON for 5 years and we’ve served the community of Pelican Narrows, SK for 3 years. Our most recent trip was to Sachigo Lake, ON from August 12 – 17, 2024. Please join us on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 to hear more about our trip.